Here you will find a range of materials for English as a Foreign Language, English for Academic Purposes, linguistics, research skills, culture, teacher training, professional development, and more. My materials are interactive, fun, and have been tried and tested in the classroom. The products available range from activities to full lessons to complete courses. Please take a look!
Here you will find a range of materials for English as a Foreign Language, English for Academic Purposes, linguistics, research skills, culture, teacher training, professional development, and more. My materials are interactive, fun, and have been tried and tested in the classroom. The products available range from activities to full lessons to complete courses. Please take a look!
A fun group game in which students have to decide which items to take when stranded in a desert. Students discuss and come to a consensus.
A really nice activity to introduce leadership skills, debating skills, and groupwork competences for all ages.
An exam for students of introductory linguistics. A total of 8 questions cover some of the main areas of linguistics:
Language classification
Language change
Morphology (including word classes and word building)
Syntax (including complements and word order)
Could work as either a summative assessment or an initial diagnostic.
A nice little exercise for trainee teachers. There are three examples of student feedback, and the trainees have to identify the good and bad points of each. Originally designed for music teachers, but the same principles apply to any subject.
Full suggested answers provided.
Five discussion scenarios on the common problems that trainers encounter when developing and running online courses. Trainees discuss in groups a given scenario, which leads to a nice class discussion.
For trainee teachers, or anyone tasked with designing online learning content and courses.
An all-purpose scheme of work for any introductory linguistics course. Covering 12 weeks, this course begins with a discussion of “What is language?”, followed by phonetics, morphology and syntax. Finally, wider topics in sociolinguistics and language acquisition are introduced.
If you need a basic Scheme of Work for your Linguistics 101 module or course, look no further!
Students have to recreate a worksheet that features farm animals using MS Word. They are given the farm animal images but need to use their MS Word skills to create the worksheet itself.
A fun activity that is ideal for any age… for teachers, students and anyone learning digital skills. Also makes a great little class competition when done in groups.
Students listen to two sets of young people taking English language tests and identify the language weaknesses of each speaker. Designed for trainee English as a foreign language teachers. Includes two example answers.
A full assessment description, including assessment criteria and detailed descriptions of two example presentations, this is ideal if you need an end-of-course assessment activity.
In individuals or groups, students describe a language they know or are learning in terms of the linguistic areas they have learned about (phonetics, syntax, morphology, etc). They present their language to their tutors.
A ready-made assessment for any introductory linguistics or languages course.
A listening assessment on the topic of school children in the UK and their behavior in schools, as compared to Chinese schools. Ideal for English language learners, trainee teachers, and other international students. The more open-ended questions in this activity lead nicely to group/class discussions.
Full answers provided.
This work booklet and accompanying PowerPoint are for trainee teachers who are learning how to produce digital resources for their students. The focus is on language teachers, but this could easily be adapted. Topics include:
Finding resources online
Adapting digital resources
Creating new resources
Using digital resources in your classroom
A nice resource that trainees can work through independently with minimal tutor supervision.
A good 2 to 3-hours’ worth of material here. Fun activities and an interactive PowerPoint introduce some of the basic concepts in morphology: word classes, wordbuilding, derivation, and morphological trees, with homework activities and links to further resources.
This package includes:
A full and detailed lesson plan
An interactive PowerPoint
5 separate activity worksheets for students
Suitable for students of any age who need an introduction to morphology, including teacher trainees and general language students.
A good 2-hour lesson introducing some of the basic concepts in syntax: constituents, complements and word order.
This package includes:
A full and detailed lesson plan
Three fun and interactive PowerPoints for the three main concepts
Three activities for students to practise what they have learned
A fun introduction to syntax for linguistics students of all ages and anyone who needs to understand basic syntax, including language learners and trainee language teachers.
An introductory “Who am I?” game leads nicely into this fun group activity: participants have to build a bridge out of straws that will be strong enough to support an egg. Each group is given a leadership style (“monarchy”, “democracy”, etc), and each style has consequences for how each group functions. Setbacks such as “natural disasters” and “revolutions” occur to the bridges. Finally, a reflective activity brings everything together.
Includes an interactive PowerPoint with audio sound effects.
This activity was originally designed in the context of teacher-training, but could be easily adapted to any professional development context.
A full and complete, approx. 2-hour lesson on Second Language Acquisition.
Full and detailed lesson plan
Fun interactive PowerPoint
Six group activities
Two videos
Links to further resources
Suitable for trainee teachers and linguistics students. The presentation serves as a nice overview of the main theories of Second Language Acquisition, while the activities encourage students to explore each theory in practice and what each theory implies is the nature of language itself.
A self-contained lesson on interlanguage and interference in Second Language Acquisition. Includes:
A full and detailed lesson plan
A fun, interactive PowerPoint
A group task for students
A fun presentation intorduces the topic and leads into an extended group task, in which students investigate areas of interference in an L2 and produce a poster, which they present.
Suitable for teacher trainees, students of linguistics, and general language learners.
A full Introduction to Linguistics course, with over 30 separate resources, including 15 worksheets and activities, 7 interactive and fun PowerPoints, and 6 videos!
This package includes:
A complete 12-week Scheme of Work
Detailed session plans for weeks 1, 3, 4 and 5
ALL materials for weeks 1, 3, 4 and 5
Full assessment descriptions (exam and presentation) with criteria
Example assessment answers
A fantastic package for any school/college/university that teaches linguistics.
This is a complete 8-week online course for trainee and current teachers.
It is designed to be a “follow-up” reflective course after a main face-to-face training event. It is designed primarily for international teachers who teach in English, but this could easily be adapted.
It focuses on getting the trainees to reflect on their own teaching practice and language learning.
This package includes:
Course Handbook (including rationale, overview, suggested scheme of work, and assessment details)
Example Weekly Outline
Full Course Report for any post-course follow-up meeting in your institution
Induction PowerPoint
Practice Assessment - description, criteria, worksheet and example answer
Final Assessment - description, criteria and worksheet
Feedback Form
Grade Summary
Marksheet (and Excel spreadsheet with percentages already encoded)
Template documents (PowerPoint and Word)
13 separate activities (including text for the Forum for each activity and any images you need)
Course logo (the course is fully branded thoughout and consistently formatted, so looks highly professional)
EVERYTHING you need for any teacher training course your institution delivers.
A fun collection of resources to develop professional and personal skills. Very adaptable for a variety of contexts: students, teachers, trainees, and employees.
Skills include:
Critical thinking
Digital competence
Everything you need for any British Culture course: a range of activities involving the language, culture, education, and politics of the United Kingdom. Designed primarily for higher education, but could easily be adapted for lower levels.
A range of resources for training modern teachers, with a particular focus on language teachers and their digital skills. This bundle also includes a full reflective post-training course.